After seeing a dear friend, Nora successfully shedding the extra pounds by doing a diet called the Dukan Diet. I started doing research on it, and decided that it shouldn't be too hard. If Nora can do it, so can I. I've tried taking those fiber detox drinks and cutting down rice, but my love for ramen, noodles, pastas ain't helping. So I've been probably annoying Nora with so many questions I have!
In Dukan Diet, basically all you eat is protein, green vegs, low fat or non fat diary etc. And the diet is broken up into 4 phases to help you reach your true weight.
Phase 1 - ATTACKThe Attack phase consists of pure protein and creates a kick-start to the diet. During this phase, you can eat 68 high-protein foods that produce immediate and noticeable weight loss.
Phase 2 - CRUISE
The Cruise phase adds 32 vegetables and will take you to your True Weight. You will gradually but steadily lose weight by alternating Pure Protein days and Protein + Vegetables days. The average length of this phase is based on a schedule of 3 days for each pound you want to lose.
Phase 3 - CONSOLIDATIONDuring this time you are at your most vulnerable, as the body has a tendency to quickly regain lost pounds. The Consolidation Phase is designed to prevent the rebound effect by gradually returning previously forbidden foods and allowing for two "celebration" meals per week. This phase follows a strict timeline - 5 days per every pound lost in Cruise Phase.
Phase 4 - PERMANENT STABILIZATIONThis phase is the rest of your life! You have learned how to eat healthily in the previous phases and have developed a pattern to follow. In addition, to keep your new slim body, you must follow these three simple but non-negotiable rules:1. Consume 3 Tablespoons of oat bran per day.2. Choose to take the stairs whenever possible.3. Have a pure-protein Thursday.
Info taken from
Here are some of the websites that I've been doing my reading from
And also got my true weight calculated here
My weight has been up and down between 65kg - 68kg. But then I started cutting down on rice and snacking, and successfully drop to 64kg. Then I got really sick in February with pretty bad Larynx infection and could only have porridge and soup, my weight managed to stay between 63kg - 64kg.The result from getting my true weight calculated, I am ready to take the challenge!

And so begins my Dukan Diet journey! Starting from 64+kg. (Couldn't get an exact weight because my mechanical scale is...wacky)
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