
Friday 14 August 2015

Any Day Now

Time is really flying by like a rocket ship! 36 weeks already and pretty soon we will be meeting our little one face to face. Mini human!

Have we bought and prepared everything we need? Did we get the right stuff? Did we get enough? Are we able to set up little one's sleeping corner in time?? Panic mode!!!!

Everything seems more real day by day. Am I ready? Are we ready? No more time to doubt, just go to jump in and wing it. Positive vibes, anything is possible. Amen.

Though we have been getting lots of "advice" on getting more sleep now, or else. Well easier said than done people.....try getting comfortable with a 2.7kg watermelon strap to you. Every turn and movement is a challenge.

And since I am a clumsy person by nature, I have to be extra careful of tripping over my own feet and bumping into stuff. But every other day now, I keep bumping the bump into table corners and chairs........I bet it must have felt like an earthquake in there for little one. Haha.

Counting down the weeks and days now, trying to crochet as many cute stuff as I can and binge watching tv series before I get too busy. Any day now.