"How does it feel to be married?" The common question you get asked after your own wedding, followed by "So when's Ryan Jr or Jo Jr coming?", "How is it like living with the in-laws?", "Have you been homesick?", "Do you plan to continue working or become a housewife?".
So how does it feel to be married? Honestly? I feel no much different except that I am living in a new environment which fortunately I am able to adjust to quite comfortably. We are talking things day by day, where the hubs seem to spend more time at home accompanying me and catching up on his own personal time. Definitely miss my mom's home cooked meals and talking nonsense with my dad and sis. I won't need to do much chores because the in-laws have a maid, now that is the adjusting part since I'm used to cleaning and tidying up after myself.
When will we have a baby? Chill bro....we've only been married for like a month, we want to enjoy married life :) and the in-laws are great, they have already made me feel part of the family for year, though I still haven't practice calling them Mom and Dad ... hahaha! I haven't been homesick, only miss goofing and joking around with my dad and sis and spoiling my dog Ginger.
Currently I'm still going to continue my working life because come on, nothing is free in this world, got to have financial stability yo. Maybe some day I'll stop working or start my own mini business, who knows, the dreaming never ends and the journey has just begun.
I can't wait till I receive all our wedding videos and photos, meanwhile you've really got to check out my dear friend Nora's blogpost about our wedding. She is a real master in baking all 250 mini butterfly cupcakes as our wedding favors! Thank you! And thank you to all my dear friends for being part of our big day, it couldn't be more perfect.
Friday, 29 November 2013
Sunday, 1 September 2013
Post Gossip Girl
Finally I've finished watching Gossip Girl! And I love Blair and Serena's wedding gowns! Just saying!
Friday, 30 August 2013
Time to update and amend the check list yo, only a month and a half to go!
Booking of VenuesBooking of Wedding GownRental Evening GownsThemeWedding Invitation DesignsMarriage Preparation CourseDraft Guest ListsDraft Tea Ceremony ListsDraft ItineraryFabric hunting for Bridesmaids dressesDown-size the ring (but recently discovered that the setting of the diamond is loose..got to send it back again...le sigh)Purchase Wedding BandsRecruiting Help for both daysSome DIY props for Pre-Wedding Photoshoot and Video (WIP)Decoration planning for Passion RoadWedding Favours (Need to discuss with the awesome pawsome baking master soon)- Flowers
- Wedding Gown Fitting
(For pre-wedding photoshoot)(For THE DAY) - Evening Gowns Fitting (Soon...)
Pre-Wedding Photoshoot and Video Shoot- Wedding Speech
Wedding ShoesSchedule Food Tasting- Schedule Rehearsal
Schedule Meetup DIY Session- Collect Bridesmaid Dresses
- Send out Invitations (On-going)
Only the surface checklist is like overwhelming, the detailed checklist is scarier! But it will all work out, positive thoughts! It only happens once in a lifetime anyways.
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Only 2 Months To Go
IT'S THE LAST DAY OF JULY 2013!! Oh my frigging goodness!! *takes a deeeeeeeep breathe*
At first my wedding date seem to be like miles away, and I kept telling myself that there is plenty of time. I WAS WRONG. OBVIOUSLY! But I feel that I have had quite a lot of the important stuff settled.
These few weeks have been so insane for me, having to deal and handle so many emotionally and mentally draining situations, which always leaves me exhausted by the end of the day that I just want to curl up and go to sleep. No I can't just go to sleep just because I feel like it....my new job scope requires me to be responsible and available at anytime of the day to respond. But I know I will get through this phase. I have a group of people who I really care about that are helping me, though sometimes I admit I do get annoyed as times because I tend to want to handle things on my own. I like to settle things in a quiet manner.
Now I've got set up more meetings with both families to comb out every tiny little details till everything is almost perfect. Everything will work out fine, I just need to calm down and take it one step at a time.
Yay! I have completed my dukan diet journey and have started Stabilization phase where I am suppose to have pure protein days once a week. Feel kind of odd eating like normal, in fact I sometimes feel guilty after having some rice, noodles, or buns. But I still prepare my own dukan friendly lunch to work, it's better than eating "chap fan".
I guess that is all I can update for now on my blog, with the limited breather time I have right now, juggling 2 skype discussions and typing this!
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
June has ended! Sweet Bananay!! Time is like running an F1 race now that I have more new responsibilities at work and have been trying hard to manage my time and all. Got to admit, being somewhat "free" at the office in the early months of 2013 was so bad for me, now that I have to make a lot of decisions and do a lot of brainstorming, I feel that my brain and eyes are on over drive! Everyday by 8pm I'm shutting down already!
Yesterday was July 1st! Gah! My pre-wedding photoshoot was initially scheduled to be done on June 24th, but due to the NASTY haze! I had no choice but to postpone, health is wealth.
Thank You Lord that the weather was nice, and the sun came out a little after 8am, we were late to arrive at the venue because of the epic Cheras jam and I left my bouquet at home! Overall it was a wonderful experience having our dear friend Nigel shooting our pre-wedding photos, along with his little wifey Kel Li's great guidance, many would know that she and I are kinda crazy over Pinterest and we got a lot of inspiration from there to prepare ourselves. By the time we finished with the photos, it was lunch time, we could see everyone was shutting down, especially Nigel because he has a really long weekend of shooting, I myself could barely walk straight due to hunger. So we decided to take a break and head out for lunch.
After a lovely meal and conversation session, we got back to the part slightly before 3pm to proceed with the video shoot, and thunder started rolling! We tried to rush a few scenes right before it started pouring, and wait out the storm under a shelter in the park. The rain finally stopped around 4.15pm and we rushed to finish up all the rest of the scenes before 5pm! And it was a wrap just slightly before 5.30pm. Really grateful for all those who were there to help out. My sis Jenn, Ryan's bestman Sim, our make-up artist Mel, and of course the man behind the lens, Nigel and his other half, Kel Li! All the aches and pains were totally worth it!
I'm excited to see the outcome of all the photos! Now back to work, I need to excel in my new job responsibilities and focus on my Wedding, now that the photoshoot and videoshoot is settled!
I think I've pretty much covered more of my checklist.......
Booking of VenuesBooking of Wedding GownRental Evening GownsThemeWedding Invitation DesignsMarriage Preparation CourseDraft Guest ListsDraft Tea Ceremony ListsDraft ItineraryFabric hunting for Bridesmaids dressesDown-size the ring (but recently discovered that the setting of the diamond is loose..got to send it back again...le sigh)Purchase Wedding BandsRecruiting Help for both daysSome DIY props for Pre-Wedding Photoshoot and Video (WIP)- Decoration planning with PR and HM (WIP)
- Wedding Favours (Need to discuss with the awesome pawsome baking master soon)
- Flowers (Comparing quotations)
- Wedding Gown Fitting
(For pre-wedding photoshoot)(For THE DAY) - Evening Gowns Fitting (Soon...)
Pre-Wedding Photoshoot and Video Shoot- Wedding Vows
- Wedding Speech
Wedding Shoes
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Officially 29 today.
That day is finally here, my birthday, my 29th birthday! the big 30 is just a step away! Oh dear......
Normally my birthdays are spent with family or friends, just having a nice meals and some good laughs. Sometimes I just don't celebrate it at all. So this year Ninja Fiance said that he wants to celebrate my birthday a few days earlier, on Saturday the 25th of May, just to have some nice steaks at Las Vacas (he's been wanting to try that place for the longest time!). Normally he would take me for dinner on my actual birthday which is on the 28th of May, but I'm ok with an earlier celebration.
Not being able to sleep well for the pass few nights and having stiff neck, I decided that I really need a nap before the dinner, so Ninja Fiance said that he will pick me up at 7pm and told me not to be late. Obviously I overslept and was late! HAHA! So obviously he was a little annoyed and we still weren't very familiar with the roads to Mont Kiara, and we made a wrong turn....
Well my lovely fun sized bestie is known for her plots of throwing surprise birthday dinners had me sorta guessing if she is going to be plotting one for me, since I've been part of her plotting for the rest of our gang very often, but then I noticed that her husband was in Port Dickson that weekend. So I guessed it's really just Ninja Fiance and I, well a girl can dream right?
And so we finally arrived at the restaurant, and since I just woke up..I was still in a blur state. Walking in to find a nice seat, it was then i noticed a familiar face and I wondered "Eh? Is that Kel Li?" because she was sitting at the front and the whole table yelled "SURPRISE!" Yay! My very first surprise birthday dinner! Organized by the fabulous Craig with Ninja Fiance suggesting to make it a surprise! :D This gang is the best! I really Thank God that I had the chance to meet and get to know this bunch! Growing up being quite reserve and socially shy, somehow the presence of Kel Li, Nigel, Nora, Jen, Craig, Jason never fails to make me feel loved and accepted for who I am. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE SURPRISE DINNER AND THE LOVELY GIFTS!
Pretty ALDO watch with changeable wrist bands from the whole gang, and red velvet cupcakes in the background from Nora.
Photo taken from Kel Li's instagram : Holding my delicious birthday red velvet cupcakes and Coach wristlet from Kel Li, and being silly.
Craig always captures my weirdest facial expressions, and a glimpse of Kel Li trying to whack the silliness out of me.
Lovely shoots from Jason's camera. :)
We forgot to take a group photo! Boooooo :/ We were having too much fun laughing and playing Bang!
Ninja Fiance bought me a pair of Foldable Ray Ban Wayfarer but I didn't take a photo of it. Maybe in another blog post or something.
I arrived to a really sweet and cute surprise at the office too! A digital drawing of my by Kea Siang who is in the Creative Multimedia team at our company, and a Happy Birthday glittery banner from Maggie.
Normally my birthdays are spent with family or friends, just having a nice meals and some good laughs. Sometimes I just don't celebrate it at all. So this year Ninja Fiance said that he wants to celebrate my birthday a few days earlier, on Saturday the 25th of May, just to have some nice steaks at Las Vacas (he's been wanting to try that place for the longest time!). Normally he would take me for dinner on my actual birthday which is on the 28th of May, but I'm ok with an earlier celebration.
Not being able to sleep well for the pass few nights and having stiff neck, I decided that I really need a nap before the dinner, so Ninja Fiance said that he will pick me up at 7pm and told me not to be late. Obviously I overslept and was late! HAHA! So obviously he was a little annoyed and we still weren't very familiar with the roads to Mont Kiara, and we made a wrong turn....
Well my lovely fun sized bestie is known for her plots of throwing surprise birthday dinners had me sorta guessing if she is going to be plotting one for me, since I've been part of her plotting for the rest of our gang very often, but then I noticed that her husband was in Port Dickson that weekend. So I guessed it's really just Ninja Fiance and I, well a girl can dream right?
And so we finally arrived at the restaurant, and since I just woke up..I was still in a blur state. Walking in to find a nice seat, it was then i noticed a familiar face and I wondered "Eh? Is that Kel Li?" because she was sitting at the front and the whole table yelled "SURPRISE!" Yay! My very first surprise birthday dinner! Organized by the fabulous Craig with Ninja Fiance suggesting to make it a surprise! :D This gang is the best! I really Thank God that I had the chance to meet and get to know this bunch! Growing up being quite reserve and socially shy, somehow the presence of Kel Li, Nigel, Nora, Jen, Craig, Jason never fails to make me feel loved and accepted for who I am. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE SURPRISE DINNER AND THE LOVELY GIFTS!
Pretty ALDO watch with changeable wrist bands from the whole gang, and red velvet cupcakes in the background from Nora.
Photo taken from Kel Li's instagram : Holding my delicious birthday red velvet cupcakes and Coach wristlet from Kel Li, and being silly.
Craig always captures my weirdest facial expressions, and a glimpse of Kel Li trying to whack the silliness out of me.
Lovely shoots from Jason's camera. :)
We forgot to take a group photo! Boooooo :/ We were having too much fun laughing and playing Bang!
Ninja Fiance bought me a pair of Foldable Ray Ban Wayfarer but I didn't take a photo of it. Maybe in another blog post or something.
I arrived to a really sweet and cute surprise at the office too! A digital drawing of my by Kea Siang who is in the Creative Multimedia team at our company, and a Happy Birthday glittery banner from Maggie.
Monday, 27 May 2013
Monday, 13 May 2013
Commencing 3rd Phase!
Finally begins the Consolidation Phase of my Dukan Diet! Woohoo! I can now have 2 slices of wholemeal bread, 40g of cheese, a piece of fruit, and a little starchy food per day! I admit I kinda miss having some bread and cheese, and most of all fruits!
I went to try out my wedding gown over the weekend, and i had forgotten how heavy and long the gown was! And it was now toooooooo big for me, so they have to pin the sides and back so that I could walk around. But I was concern about the difficulty of moving about in it, because my wedding is semi outdoor, then the girl was assisting me brought over a new gown, she told me its was brand new, not worn and the beading details are still being worked on. She said I should try it because it's almost similar to the gown I picked.
The 2nd gown I tried was more simple looking (maybe because there were no crystals and beads on it yet), with lace details reaching to the hips. It was too big for me, so it looks a bit odd at first, then she pin it to fit me a little at the sides. i really like how it looked! The gown is very similar to a design I saw online that I really like and also similar to a gown my dad showed me online too!
Now I'm torn between both gowns, I really like them both for certain reasons but I've decided that I will try them on again once the details have been added on to the 2nd gown.
Mum and sis says I'm getting too thin....am I? I think I'm still alright, now that I have already completed the first 2 hardcore strict phase of the diet and am almost reaching my target weight.
I went to try out my wedding gown over the weekend, and i had forgotten how heavy and long the gown was! And it was now toooooooo big for me, so they have to pin the sides and back so that I could walk around. But I was concern about the difficulty of moving about in it, because my wedding is semi outdoor, then the girl was assisting me brought over a new gown, she told me its was brand new, not worn and the beading details are still being worked on. She said I should try it because it's almost similar to the gown I picked.
The 2nd gown I tried was more simple looking (maybe because there were no crystals and beads on it yet), with lace details reaching to the hips. It was too big for me, so it looks a bit odd at first, then she pin it to fit me a little at the sides. i really like how it looked! The gown is very similar to a design I saw online that I really like and also similar to a gown my dad showed me online too!
Now I'm torn between both gowns, I really like them both for certain reasons but I've decided that I will try them on again once the details have been added on to the 2nd gown.
Mum and sis says I'm getting too thin....am I? I think I'm still alright, now that I have already completed the first 2 hardcore strict phase of the diet and am almost reaching my target weight.
Dukan Diet,
Little things in my life,
My Dukan Journey
Friday, 3 May 2013
Getting Hitched in 5 Months!
Oh Lordy it's May already! How fast time flies!! Time to do a check list of the planning for The Day Part 1 and Part 2.
Booking of VenuesBooking of Wedding GownRental Evening GownsThemeWedding Invitation DesignsMarriage Preparation CourseDraft Guest ListsDraft Tea Ceremony ListsDraft Itinerary- Fabric hunting for Bridesmaids dresses
Down-size the ring(but recently discovered that the setting of the diamond is loose..got to send it back again...le sigh)Purchase Wedding BandsRecruiting Help for both days- Some DIY props for Pre-Wedding Photoshoot and Video (WIP)
- Decoration planning with PR and HM (WIP)
- Wedding Favours (Need to discuss with the awesome pawsome baking master soon)
- Flowers (Comparing quotations)
- Wedding Gown Fitting (Soon....)
- Evening Gowns Fitting (Soon...)
- Pre-Wedding Photoshoot and Video Shoot
- Wedding Vows
- Wedding Speech
- Wedding Shoes
Hmm.....not sure if I missed out anything crucial as all these are just memorized at the back of my hand. I don't know about experienced wedding planners' schedule, but I think the Ninja Fiance and I have managed everything well so far.
And....a number of friends who knew I have been on the Dukan Diet for approximately 6 1/2 weeks now have been encouraging and pestering me to post a progress photo. So I finally did last night, and thanks to everyone for the encouragement. I so need to work on my photography skills, especially angles when taking self portraits.
Monday, 29 April 2013
New Love For ... Fish?
Normally I would opt out of having to purposely choose to eat fish from the menu, or beg my mum to allow me to skip the fish dish, because I really don't enjoy the fishy smell and taste (but I love having asam laksa). But recently mum has been buying salmon steaks for me because she doesn't want me eat chicken every day for every meal.
For my first attempt to pan fry a salmon steak, I thought it would be just the same as me cooking my daily chicken or fish fillet, so i decided to use a small pan. And boy was that a bad idea! I forgot that salmon has natural fat, and they will all ooze out when cooked. Oil was splattering and jumping everywhere!!! I couldn't even bring myself to go near the pan to flip the salmon! Mum had to come to the rescue. But the result, oh so delicious!
This morning was my second attempt to pan fry salmon, I picked the bigger pan, thinking it will be safer. I was wrong, again....splattering begins! But the oil didn't jump up as high as it did from the small pan, I managed to flip the salmon myself without getting burnt, and because the pan is big, I could tilt it to let the oil flow away from the salmon. Next time I'm using a cover....
Decided to experiment and made myself a tomato with tuna and shirataki noodle soup for dinner last Thursday night. Somehow it turn out looking like asam laksa! Mum told me to help eat finish some broccoli and mushrooms, also the little plate of fresh chilies that she didn't want to keep. Hence the attempt to decorate my meal. Those tiny red/orange chilies are one of my favorite, but are also my enemy, they really burn your lips and tongue!
For my first attempt to pan fry a salmon steak, I thought it would be just the same as me cooking my daily chicken or fish fillet, so i decided to use a small pan. And boy was that a bad idea! I forgot that salmon has natural fat, and they will all ooze out when cooked. Oil was splattering and jumping everywhere!!! I couldn't even bring myself to go near the pan to flip the salmon! Mum had to come to the rescue. But the result, oh so delicious!
This morning was my second attempt to pan fry salmon, I picked the bigger pan, thinking it will be safer. I was wrong, again....splattering begins! But the oil didn't jump up as high as it did from the small pan, I managed to flip the salmon myself without getting burnt, and because the pan is big, I could tilt it to let the oil flow away from the salmon. Next time I'm using a cover....
Decided to experiment and made myself a tomato with tuna and shirataki noodle soup for dinner last Thursday night. Somehow it turn out looking like asam laksa! Mum told me to help eat finish some broccoli and mushrooms, also the little plate of fresh chilies that she didn't want to keep. Hence the attempt to decorate my meal. Those tiny red/orange chilies are one of my favorite, but are also my enemy, they really burn your lips and tongue!
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Cruise Phase : Day Thirty Four
Diet Timeline :
Attack :
Cruise :
Consolidation : 74 days
Stabilization : Forever..?
Weight : From 65kg to 58.7kg
Today will mark 39 days since the first day I started doing the Dukan Diet. I'm actually really proud of myself that I have been able to crawl out of bed before 6am every working day to prepare my breakfast and lunch. My meals are just really simple pan fry chicken or fish, eggs cooked tamago/omelette style since I don't know what the style is called (I just pour the beaten egg in a small frying pan and just let it slowly cook with low fire, then flipping it over till it's golden brown). Snacks and breakfast have been oat bran muffin/cake, galette (pan cakes) and yogurt.
Still got to admit that breakfast is still a pain though, I just miss having a big breakfast meal of friend meehoon or nasi lemak. Dinner time is pretty much the time where I experiment on my cooking, sometimes I amaze myself by trying weird methods of cooking, but there are also times where food get burnt or undercooked.
I've still got quite a long way to go until this diet is over, but after about slightly over a month of controlling what I eat, I'm happy with the results. Clothes are getting loose, especially my jeans which reminds me that I have to get new ones. Trying on clothes was much easier now, I could actually fit into a size "S" dress at Forever 21!
Soon I will get to have whole meal bread and 40g per day of cheese, cheese sandwich wait for me!
Monday, 22 April 2013
Still Can't Get Enough.
I've got to admit, ever since the lyric video was out and now the OFFICIAL VIDEO, I just can't get enough of how sweet and fun this song is! The official video is so colourful and cheerful, makes me want to dance around every time I hear the song play. I simply can't take my eyes away from the screen too! Hayley, Jeremy and Taylor looked like they were having so much fun filming the video.
I think it's really cool that they didn't create like a storyline or have their instruments in this video, instead they wanted to kind of portray how it feels like falling in love, like dancing around in a room filled with balloons, running around the backyard with sparkles, etc.
Still loving "Still Into You"!
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Almost A Month Without Instant Noodles.
It's been a month now since I've started Dukan Diet, and so far it's been working out well for me although there was a little sneaking of not allowed foods here and there, like a tiny piece of assorted chocolates, some of the Gwai Leng Gou (Black herbal jelly mum made, she mixes them with some dried longan). So far my weight has been a balance between 59kg to 60kg, but my size has gone down, I could actually try on a lot more dresses now! Yay!
My mum seems to be getting bored of the food I'm eating everyday, yes, the food that I AM eating, not her. Haha. But I'm still fine with the normal simple food that I am allowed to eat everyday. I've been experimenting with adding mustard, tomato puree and low fat cheese to my food. But somehow I don't think I'm allowed any low fat cheese yet? But I'm not too sure ;p
First attempt to make dukan bread, and scrambled eggs with yogurt. Turn out quite nice!
Half of the dukan bread for breakfast the next day. The bread is a bit not sure if it's because I cooked it a little too long or it is meant to be this way. But to me it's perfect for a sandwich!
Paprika chicken with a bit of low fat cheese and a scribble of mustard. Yummm~
Well I tried to make my food look pretty. I know I know, almost every meal looks the same...colour....
Fake pasta!! i wanted to make like a tomato stir fry but it turned out looking like pasta! A combination of chicken chunks, slice cabbage, shirataki noodles with 1 spoon of tomato puree, a pinch of salt and black pepper.
My mum seems to be getting bored of the food I'm eating everyday, yes, the food that I AM eating, not her. Haha. But I'm still fine with the normal simple food that I am allowed to eat everyday. I've been experimenting with adding mustard, tomato puree and low fat cheese to my food. But somehow I don't think I'm allowed any low fat cheese yet? But I'm not too sure ;p
Half of the dukan bread for breakfast the next day. The bread is a bit not sure if it's because I cooked it a little too long or it is meant to be this way. But to me it's perfect for a sandwich!
Paprika chicken with a bit of low fat cheese and a scribble of mustard. Yummm~
Well I tried to make my food look pretty. I know I know, almost every meal looks the same...colour....
Fake pasta!! i wanted to make like a tomato stir fry but it turned out looking like pasta! A combination of chicken chunks, slice cabbage, shirataki noodles with 1 spoon of tomato puree, a pinch of salt and black pepper.
Hmm...what shall I experiment on next with my novice cooking skills.....
I still miss pasta and instant noodles, also mum's Tom Yam Fried Rice (I stole 1 bite the other day, teehee!)
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Allowed Foods, Since Some Have Asked.
Yesterday I was approached by my colleague, she said "Tell me how to loss weight!! You slim alot, "hak sei yan"!" (hak sei yan direct translated to English = scare die me) Hahaha! And since I'm still very new at this Dukan Diet, I dig up some of the websites that were very helpful to me and passed them over to her. I also told her what to expect and what kind of sacrifices to make. Because for Chinese, a lot of us always like to say "No rice allowed??? I will die!!". Because rice is our main source of food. So what are we allowed to eat then if we want to proceed with this diet? Dr. Dukan has a list of 100 allowed foods on his website, it's a really loooooong list but I found another blogger with a clearer list, thought I have no idea what some of the food are, but you can check out her blog here
The Dukan Diet 100 Safe Food List (more info here)
1. Beefsteak,
2. Breasola/air-dried/wind dried beef
3. Calf's liver
4. Fat reduced bacon
5. Fillet of beef
6. Game
7. Kidney
8. Pre-cooked ham slices (without any fat or rind)
9. Rabbit
10. Roast beef
11. Rumpsteak
12. Sirloin steak
13. Tongue
14. Veal chop
15. Veal escalope
16. Chicken
17. Chicken liver
18. Guinea fowl
19. Ostrich
20. Pigeon
21. Poussin
22. Pre cooked chicken and turkey slices
23. Quail, turkey
24. Bass
25. Cod
26. Seafood sticks
27. Dab/lemon sole
28. Dover sole
29. Grey mullet
30. Haddock/smoked haddok
31. Hake
32. Halibut/smoked halibut
33. Herring
34. Mackerel
35. Monkfish
36. Plaice
37. Pollock/coley
38. Red mullet
39. Salmon/smoked salmon
40. Sardines
41. Sea bream
42. Skate
43. Swordfish
44. Trout (rainbow and salmon)
45. Tuna
46. Turbot
47. Whiting
48. Calamari/squid
49. Clams
50. Cockles
51. Crab
52. Crayfish/crawfish
53. Dublin bay prawns
54. Lobster
55. Mussels
56. Prawns/shrimps
57. Oysters
58. Scallops
59. Whelks
60. Hen's eggs
61. Quail's eggs
62. Cottage cheese (low fat)
63. Fat free fromage frais
64. Fat free Greek yogurt
65. Fat free yoghurt
66. Quark (low fat)
67. Skimmed milk
68. Konjac
69. Qat bran
70. Tofu
71. Artichoke (globe)
72. Asparagus
73. Aubergine
74. Beetroot
75. Broccoli
76. Brussel sprouts
77. Bean sprouts
78. Cabbage
79. Carrot
80. Cauliflower
81. Celery/celeriac
82. Chicory
83. Courgette
84. Cucumber
85. Fennel
86. French beans
87. Kohlrabi, lamb's lettuce
88. Leek
89. Lettuce
90. Mushrooms
91. Onion
92. Palm hearts
93. Peppers
94. Pumpkin
95. Radish
96. Rhubarb
97. Soya beans
98. Spinach
99. Salad leaves : rocket/watercress/alfafa/curly endive/sorrel etc
100. Tomato
That's a lot to remember! So far my daily food intake consists only of Chicken, Fish, Celery, Broccoli, French Beans, Eggs, Spinach, Mushrooms, Shirataki Noodles, Fat-free no sugar added yogurt, Skim Milk, Oat Bran....yeah, I eat real simple :P
The Dukan Diet 100 Safe Food List (more info here)
1. Beefsteak,
2. Breasola/air-dried/wind dried beef
3. Calf's liver
4. Fat reduced bacon
5. Fillet of beef
6. Game
7. Kidney
8. Pre-cooked ham slices (without any fat or rind)
9. Rabbit
10. Roast beef
11. Rumpsteak
12. Sirloin steak
13. Tongue
14. Veal chop
15. Veal escalope
16. Chicken
17. Chicken liver
18. Guinea fowl
19. Ostrich
20. Pigeon
21. Poussin
22. Pre cooked chicken and turkey slices
23. Quail, turkey
24. Bass
25. Cod
26. Seafood sticks
27. Dab/lemon sole
28. Dover sole
29. Grey mullet
30. Haddock/smoked haddok
31. Hake
32. Halibut/smoked halibut
33. Herring
34. Mackerel
35. Monkfish
36. Plaice
37. Pollock/coley
38. Red mullet
39. Salmon/smoked salmon
40. Sardines
41. Sea bream
42. Skate
43. Swordfish
44. Trout (rainbow and salmon)
45. Tuna
46. Turbot
47. Whiting
48. Calamari/squid
49. Clams
50. Cockles
51. Crab
52. Crayfish/crawfish
53. Dublin bay prawns
54. Lobster
55. Mussels
56. Prawns/shrimps
57. Oysters
58. Scallops
59. Whelks
60. Hen's eggs
61. Quail's eggs
62. Cottage cheese (low fat)
63. Fat free fromage frais
64. Fat free Greek yogurt
65. Fat free yoghurt
66. Quark (low fat)
67. Skimmed milk
68. Konjac
69. Qat bran
70. Tofu
71. Artichoke (globe)
72. Asparagus
73. Aubergine
74. Beetroot
75. Broccoli
76. Brussel sprouts
77. Bean sprouts
78. Cabbage
79. Carrot
80. Cauliflower
81. Celery/celeriac
82. Chicory
83. Courgette
84. Cucumber
85. Fennel
86. French beans
87. Kohlrabi, lamb's lettuce
88. Leek
89. Lettuce
90. Mushrooms
91. Onion
92. Palm hearts
93. Peppers
94. Pumpkin
95. Radish
96. Rhubarb
97. Soya beans
98. Spinach
99. Salad leaves : rocket/watercress/alfafa/curly endive/sorrel etc
100. Tomato
That's a lot to remember! So far my daily food intake consists only of Chicken, Fish, Celery, Broccoli, French Beans, Eggs, Spinach, Mushrooms, Shirataki Noodles, Fat-free no sugar added yogurt, Skim Milk, Oat Bran....yeah, I eat real simple :P
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Still Learning to Cook Better
Since now I cook almost every meal for myself everyday, except on weekends when I go out. Being a novice cook, I am constantly searching around on Google for dukan friendly recipes and turning them into much simpler versions for myself. I still have a hard time telling visually if my food is cooked properly.
I got to say that I have finally figured out the microwave oven cocoa muffins I've been trying to make to taste more moist! It being so dry was partly due to where I placed the container in the oven. And voila it was fluffy, moist and yummy!
I decided to try cooking with yogurt too. I stumbled upon a blogger who was on dukan and she made dukan friendly curry laksa. All you need is 1 tbsp of Tom yam paste and 1 tbsp plain yogurt to mix into boiling water. I found out that I can have some tom yam as long as I don't add more salt, cuz the paste my mum buys is vegetarian and low on salt. And oh my goodness, the soup really did smelled and tasted close to a bowl of nyonya laksa! Success!
I got to say that I have finally figured out the microwave oven cocoa muffins I've been trying to make to taste more moist! It being so dry was partly due to where I placed the container in the oven. And voila it was fluffy, moist and yummy!
I decided to try cooking with yogurt too. I stumbled upon a blogger who was on dukan and she made dukan friendly curry laksa. All you need is 1 tbsp of Tom yam paste and 1 tbsp plain yogurt to mix into boiling water. I found out that I can have some tom yam as long as I don't add more salt, cuz the paste my mum buys is vegetarian and low on salt. And oh my goodness, the soup really did smelled and tasted close to a bowl of nyonya laksa! Success!
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Cruise Phase : Day Thirteen
Day 13 of the cruise phase! Still surviving this dukan diet with minor cheating here and here, stealing bites of vegs on pure protein days, and having a little too many dark chocs.
The other day I suddenly had a major craving for red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting, causing me to feel really hungry all afternoon, so I decided to make a feast of a meal for dinner.
I read in some dukaner blogs that using a bit of tom yam is alright, so 1 tbsp should be okay? Haha. So I cooked up a bowl of stir fry tom yam chicken mushroom broccoli shirataki noodles, that's a mouthful just saying it! I didn't have to use any salt since I was already using vegetarian tom yam paste, and everything taste nice and mild.
That delicious meal sure hit the spot! I was feeling satisfied and didn't crave for red velvet anymore.
I tried making cocoa oat bran muffins again yesterday, this time I got the ingredients and time right. It was too dry for my liking, so today I set the time on the microwave to 3 minutes and 10 seconds. It turned out less dry, planning to try baking it for 3 minutes tomorrow.
Current weight : 61kg
Check out my odd shaped cocoa oat bran muffins. Lunch was onion omelette and black pepper chicken.
The awesome Shirataki noodles, good enough for a noodle lover like me!
The other day I suddenly had a major craving for red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting, causing me to feel really hungry all afternoon, so I decided to make a feast of a meal for dinner.
I read in some dukaner blogs that using a bit of tom yam is alright, so 1 tbsp should be okay? Haha. So I cooked up a bowl of stir fry tom yam chicken mushroom broccoli shirataki noodles, that's a mouthful just saying it! I didn't have to use any salt since I was already using vegetarian tom yam paste, and everything taste nice and mild.
That delicious meal sure hit the spot! I was feeling satisfied and didn't crave for red velvet anymore.
I tried making cocoa oat bran muffins again yesterday, this time I got the ingredients and time right. It was too dry for my liking, so today I set the time on the microwave to 3 minutes and 10 seconds. It turned out less dry, planning to try baking it for 3 minutes tomorrow.
Current weight : 61kg
Check out my odd shaped cocoa oat bran muffins. Lunch was onion omelette and black pepper chicken.
The awesome Shirataki noodles, good enough for a noodle lover like me!
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
I Tried To Bake.
Being on a diet for the first time sure can be boring when it comes to food choices. Even though I'm not a picky eater, I am definitely urged to try to cook or bake new things other than my favourite Korean Ramen. And so I decided to experiment on baking oat bran treats. My dad brought home a microwave oven a couple years ago, but my mum refuses to learn to use it and wouldn't allow us to go neat it, because she's paranoid about radioactive waves harming us and all. But then I found out that I could bake and grill with the model my dad brought home! Muahahaha! I unleashed the metal beast from its box and got to pressing around on the buttons.
Experiment 1
Cocoa Oat Bran cookie from a recipe I found online, takes only 1 minutes to cook on high in the microwave oven. I don't really have any microwave safe plates and stuff, but my colleague told me that almost all glass and stuff are safe. Well looks like the plate I'm using is safe for the oven.
Verdict? My cookie was too soft for my liking, it tasted like a cookie shaped brownie, I'll cook it a little longer next time.
Experiment 2
Cocoa Oat Bran muffin, following Nora's recipe. I used a little microwave safe container that I had to hold the muffin mix, it was a bit too shallow and my muffin morphed into a weird looking mushroom. Also I over cooked it, it was meant to cook for only 3.5 minutes, but I set it to 3 minutes and 50 seconds! Oh my goodness my muffin was as hard as a biscuit!
Trial and error for someone who doesn't really cook or bake. I'll do better next round :P
Experiment 1
Cocoa Oat Bran cookie from a recipe I found online, takes only 1 minutes to cook on high in the microwave oven. I don't really have any microwave safe plates and stuff, but my colleague told me that almost all glass and stuff are safe. Well looks like the plate I'm using is safe for the oven.
Verdict? My cookie was too soft for my liking, it tasted like a cookie shaped brownie, I'll cook it a little longer next time.
Experiment 2
Cocoa Oat Bran muffin, following Nora's recipe. I used a little microwave safe container that I had to hold the muffin mix, it was a bit too shallow and my muffin morphed into a weird looking mushroom. Also I over cooked it, it was meant to cook for only 3.5 minutes, but I set it to 3 minutes and 50 seconds! Oh my goodness my muffin was as hard as a biscuit!
Trial and error for someone who doesn't really cook or bake. I'll do better next round :P
Sunday, 31 March 2013
April Will Be Here In Less Than An Hour
Let's see......what progress have ninja fiance and I made with the wedding preparations? Hmmmm.....no sure where to begin....we have our guest book materials gathered, he went for his first suit fitting, I have still yet to find a suitable evening gown, he bought the groomsmens ties which makes searching for the bridesmaids dress color much much easier. Still soooo much more to do and the clock is ticking, LOUD!! Well at least I managed to loose almost 3kg in 2 weeks, but I think I gained a tiny bit back cuz I cheated a little due to the celebration meal his mum treated us with over the weekend.
*Freaking out more*
Thursday, 28 March 2013
So How Does It Feel?
I've never tired any diets before, and I am going though the Dukan Diet for the first time.
So how do I feel after 10 days being on the diet, where I had to stop having sugar, carbohydrates, and fruits? Having to wake up before 6am evening morning to cook my lunch, get ready and then have my breakfast of either oat bran pancakes or yogurt with oat bran. Sure was easier at the beginning but getting a bit hard on the 2nd week.
After about the end of day 2, I started feeling the effects of fatigue. I didn't have much energy to climb my daily steep slopes and flights or stairs I take daily to work, leaving me all breathless and sweaty each time. I've also been feeling more sleepy than usual, I would fall asleep on my chair while on my laptop before 10pm! I sure don't like the feeling of not having much energy to run up stairs and slopes, and falling asleep right after dinner, but I'm sure this will all be over soon? I hope?
On the plus side, after 10 days being on the diet, I feel lighter physically. I feel less bloated and more relaxed. My bad knee doesn't hurt as much anymore, proof that my weight IS bothering it! My tshirts are starting to feel a bit looser, my jeans too, and even my shoes! That shows how much water weight my body has!
Deciding on what to eat when I'm out with the Ninja Fiancé sure is a challenge though, but I figure that I don't have to be so strict with this diet. So I order food with more proteins and leave the other stuff untouched. I did cheat a little by stealing a few pieces of my sister's nacho cheese.
Feeling so sleepy now, I will survive! I will be tracking my progress daily (I try to at least do so).
The Dukan Diet is named after French physician Pierre Dukan, who created the plan. The weight-loss phase is very low in fat and carbohydrates. The dieter alternates between periods of eating "pure protein" and eating "protein plus vegetables" until reaching his or her "true weight." After the weight-loss phase, dieters advance to a long consolidation phase where some fruits and starchy foods are added, before culminating in a maintenance phase.
So how do I feel after 10 days being on the diet, where I had to stop having sugar, carbohydrates, and fruits? Having to wake up before 6am evening morning to cook my lunch, get ready and then have my breakfast of either oat bran pancakes or yogurt with oat bran. Sure was easier at the beginning but getting a bit hard on the 2nd week.
After about the end of day 2, I started feeling the effects of fatigue. I didn't have much energy to climb my daily steep slopes and flights or stairs I take daily to work, leaving me all breathless and sweaty each time. I've also been feeling more sleepy than usual, I would fall asleep on my chair while on my laptop before 10pm! I sure don't like the feeling of not having much energy to run up stairs and slopes, and falling asleep right after dinner, but I'm sure this will all be over soon? I hope?
On the plus side, after 10 days being on the diet, I feel lighter physically. I feel less bloated and more relaxed. My bad knee doesn't hurt as much anymore, proof that my weight IS bothering it! My tshirts are starting to feel a bit looser, my jeans too, and even my shoes! That shows how much water weight my body has!
Deciding on what to eat when I'm out with the Ninja Fiancé sure is a challenge though, but I figure that I don't have to be so strict with this diet. So I order food with more proteins and leave the other stuff untouched. I did cheat a little by stealing a few pieces of my sister's nacho cheese.
Feeling so sleepy now, I will survive! I will be tracking my progress daily (I try to at least do so).
Cruise Phase : Day Five
Finally I found the place to buy Shirataki noodles! Shirataki noodles are very low carbohydrate, low calorie, thin, translucent, gelatinous traditional Japanese noodles made from devil's tongue yam (elephant yam or the konjac yam). And it's dukan friendly! I found out when I stumble upon this article while self learning more about the diet.
And so I made my first stir dry Shirataki noodles with bits of pork, broccoli, and celery. I seasoned the pork with some chopped garlic and about half a tbsp of soy sauce (saving the other half tbsp for seasoning the noodles). It turn out not bad! Nothing got burned, over cooked or was still raw.
And so I made my first stir dry Shirataki noodles with bits of pork, broccoli, and celery. I seasoned the pork with some chopped garlic and about half a tbsp of soy sauce (saving the other half tbsp for seasoning the noodles). It turn out not bad! Nothing got burned, over cooked or was still raw.
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Cruise Phase : Day Four
And so the cruise phase continues, being able to have some vegetables now is going to be much more fun. I sure miss my veggies, and it's also a chance for me to learn to stir fry vegetables. I haven't exactly been following the cruise phase rule of alternating my Pure Protein and Protein Veggie days, I still steal a couple of bites of greens during my Pure Protein days.
After breaking my cheap mechanical scale, not because I'm super heavy, but I was clumsy and tripped over it. So I finally invested in a digital scale from Guardian. And now I know my accurate weight!
So what have I been eating?
Cruise Phase : Day Two (PP)
Lunch : Ayamas Chicken, with the skin removed.
Dinner : Nando's without any sauce, stole a few bites of spinach
Cruise Phase : Day Three (PV)
Lunch : Chicken breast with french beans and 1 egg
Dinner : Chicken breast and broccoli egg soup
Cruise Phase : Day Four (PP)
Lunch : Paprika fish
Dinner : Irish Farmer's Platter at Finnegan's, which is chicken, steak and pork banger. Nibbled on the vegs. Stole a bit of nachos from sis....
Current Weight : 62.5kg (That means I actually lost about 2.5kg, not bad!)
After breaking my cheap mechanical scale, not because I'm super heavy, but I was clumsy and tripped over it. So I finally invested in a digital scale from Guardian. And now I know my accurate weight!
So what have I been eating?
Cruise Phase : Day Two (PP)
Lunch : Ayamas Chicken, with the skin removed.
Dinner : Nando's without any sauce, stole a few bites of spinach
Cruise Phase : Day Three (PV)
Lunch : Chicken breast with french beans and 1 egg
Dinner : Chicken breast and broccoli egg soup
Cruise Phase : Day Four (PP)
Lunch : Paprika fish
Dinner : Irish Farmer's Platter at Finnegan's, which is chicken, steak and pork banger. Nibbled on the vegs. Stole a bit of nachos from sis....
Current Weight : 62.5kg (That means I actually lost about 2.5kg, not bad!)
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Indecisive and Low Self Esteem
March is drawing to an end, I'm getting more nervous about time! But I know I have a group of people who are pushing me and supporting me to make sure all the wedding planning goes well. I've always known that I am a very indecisive person, and I lack a lot of self esteem too. And this does not play well with my planning.
After finishing more than half of our wedding preparation course, ninja fiancé and I learnt a lot of interesting things, we also learn that we actually do understand a lot about each other. He knows that I'm very introvert, and the quiet suffering type, and I know he's a socialite...yes I just call him a socialite because he loves the attention! Haha
It is really true that a person's upbringing and family background forms a persons personality....I am still trying to break out of it. Though sometimes I sound like I give excuses, I'm working on it.
I am very indecisive, I have spent quite some time pondering over it to find out the reason why. Could it be that since I was little until now, when I decide on something, no one supports it or they ask me to decide on something else. I know I should be firm on a decision, yet I feel the need to please everyone, especially when it's family. So I get pushed around instead, then get lectured over not being able to make a decision. But its hard...when there is always someone telling you that it's not a good choice, maybe you should try something else, but then it's up to you. It stresses me out to the point I just give up.
I have low self esteem, I have never truly been comfortable about the way I look. I have quite a big frame, broad shoulders, wide rib cage (which always gets doctors curious when I go for medical check up), big hip bones. I used to be teased for having a body of a boy when I was young, then I got teased for having a flat chest and should maybe consider being a boy. And I like to eat, so I eat like a boy, I followed the portion that the boys normally have and I finished all my food. Because mother always say, "Don't waste food! Clean your plate!" I've got a big appetite too, our family eats a lot of dishes and my parents were always afraid that I'd get hungry. So I ate all I want, indulge in my favourite instant noodles and mac & cheese that I want. To a point I got really out of shape that I couldn't fit any of my jeans and getting ready for work every morning was torture because I was afraid to shop for more clothes. And some people actually called me fat,especially someone close to me.
I'm still working on trying to get rid of these 2 points of my character, because it is not fun. I want to be able to make quick and wise decisions instead of taking too long to ponder and annoy people begging for suggestions. I want to be able to look and feel comfortable with myself in a gown. I believe that I can do it. I am moving forward and I want to head there being better.
......random ranting over.....
After finishing more than half of our wedding preparation course, ninja fiancé and I learnt a lot of interesting things, we also learn that we actually do understand a lot about each other. He knows that I'm very introvert, and the quiet suffering type, and I know he's a socialite...yes I just call him a socialite because he loves the attention! Haha
It is really true that a person's upbringing and family background forms a persons personality....I am still trying to break out of it. Though sometimes I sound like I give excuses, I'm working on it.
I am very indecisive, I have spent quite some time pondering over it to find out the reason why. Could it be that since I was little until now, when I decide on something, no one supports it or they ask me to decide on something else. I know I should be firm on a decision, yet I feel the need to please everyone, especially when it's family. So I get pushed around instead, then get lectured over not being able to make a decision. But its hard...when there is always someone telling you that it's not a good choice, maybe you should try something else, but then it's up to you. It stresses me out to the point I just give up.
I have low self esteem, I have never truly been comfortable about the way I look. I have quite a big frame, broad shoulders, wide rib cage (which always gets doctors curious when I go for medical check up), big hip bones. I used to be teased for having a body of a boy when I was young, then I got teased for having a flat chest and should maybe consider being a boy. And I like to eat, so I eat like a boy, I followed the portion that the boys normally have and I finished all my food. Because mother always say, "Don't waste food! Clean your plate!" I've got a big appetite too, our family eats a lot of dishes and my parents were always afraid that I'd get hungry. So I ate all I want, indulge in my favourite instant noodles and mac & cheese that I want. To a point I got really out of shape that I couldn't fit any of my jeans and getting ready for work every morning was torture because I was afraid to shop for more clothes. And some people actually called me fat,especially someone close to me.
I'm still working on trying to get rid of these 2 points of my character, because it is not fun. I want to be able to make quick and wise decisions instead of taking too long to ponder and annoy people begging for suggestions. I want to be able to look and feel comfortable with myself in a gown. I believe that I can do it. I am moving forward and I want to head there being better.
......random ranting over.....
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Cruise Phase : Day One
Yay! I have survived Attack Phase! Munching meat everyday is making my jaw tired. At least now I can have green vegetables on alternate days.
Tried to cook some paprika fish and celery stir fry, I just loooooove celery! Turned out good enough for me, the celery could use another minute but I don't mind them half raw..haha! In times like this that I am thankful that I'm not picky with the food I eat.
Tried to cook some paprika fish and celery stir fry, I just loooooove celery! Turned out good enough for me, the celery could use another minute but I don't mind them half raw..haha! In times like this that I am thankful that I'm not picky with the food I eat.
I had my lunch at almost 3pm on purpose because I have a wedding dinner to attend. And knowing Chinese wedding dinners normally starts really late, I don't want to end up starving and then breaking my diet's momentum.
Knowing that it would be a challenge on what food I can eat at the banquet, I made sure the food I took was only protein and green vegetables. But some little diet rules were broken, as some of the dishes were soaked in gravy while some were cooked with a bit of sugar. I stuffed myself down with the chicken and steamed fish that were served tho, and drank Chinese tea all night.
I survived the evening! Successfully fought the temptations of alcohol and desserts! Tomorrow will be PP(Pure Protein) day, I guess I shouldn't feel guilty that some tiny little rules were broken. And I broke my cheap RM25.90 scale, I tripped over it while getting dressed and stepped on the dial display. Now the scale doesn't work anymore, have to search for a good affordable digital scale tomorrow.
Current weight : Unknown
Friday, 22 March 2013
Attack Phase : Day Five?
Diet Timeline :
Attack :
Cruise : 52 days
Consolidation : 74 days
Stabilization : Until the day I die ....
According to Dukan Diet website calculation, I'm suppose to do the Attack Phase for 4 days....but I decided to extend to 5 days because I forgot to ask mum to help me buy veggies from the market...noooo...
So it's yogurt with oat bran and a little bit of sweetener (tastes like froyo and crushed cereal!), and pan fry fish. The word fry normally makes many think of oily food, which is not allowed in this diet. Worry not as I only drop a few drops of oily oil and then spread them with a paper towel on a frying pan.
After accompanying my sister for her haircut, we faced a little problem. Where to eat?! Having limited time and not much of choices for a quick dinner, we decided to go plan b since they serve western-ish food. But there wasn't much choice for me to pick to maintain this diet. In the end I picked the Grilled Chicken Harrisa Salad, since I was technically suppose to be on cruise phase, I guessed it should be fine to mix my pure protein and protein veg days into one day.
Turns out the salad had sweet potatoes, carrots and some sweetish chilli sauce in it and a light drizzle of white herb stuff that tasted like yogurt. So I had to scrape away all the stuff I wasn't allowed to eat...boy was it a challenge!
I'm have a wedding dinner to attend tomorrow, guess its another sillyjoanna's version of PP+PV in one day again? Since Chinese Wedding meals are expensive!
Current Weight : Unknown (I'm still suspicious about the accuracy of the scale, but then my sis says its probably because my body could be very bloated with water for years that's why the pounds are shedding off crazy fast....I hope so. Teehee~)
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Attack Phase : Day Four
Day four! I almost could not wake up because my body was feeling soooo tired! But in order to maintain my discipline, I crawled out and washed my face, then got to cooking my lunch. I decided not to make pancakes since I woke up a little late.
Luckily I brought home my sweetener, I am so not buying it in tablet form anymore during my next grocery shopping trip. I decided to try having my daily dose of 1 1/2 tablespoon of oat bran with plain yogurt. Since the sweetener that I bought was in tablet form, I had to crush them to powder so that it would mix more easily with the yogurt.
Breakfast was yummy! It's like having froyo with oat, I like the texture and the taste. I'm so getting some pure cocoa to mix with it next time.
Lunch was just pan fried fish and hard boiled eggs.
My parents decided to eat out since my mum had spent the whole day taking care of her sister to had a minor stroke. Dad was driving in circles near my Aunt's housing area to find a suitable place to have dinner since mum says that I am on a special diet, so I said anything western will do. Then the parents decided to go to Midvalley Megamall for dinner since it was almost time to pick my sister from work, and her office was there. So my dinner was half a lemon & herb chicken at Nando's.
I figured if I post every single meal, it's going to look boring and repetitive since each meal look almost the same. So photos will start popping up when I cook something else that looks different compared to same old proteins.
Current weight : Unknown
Luckily I brought home my sweetener, I am so not buying it in tablet form anymore during my next grocery shopping trip. I decided to try having my daily dose of 1 1/2 tablespoon of oat bran with plain yogurt. Since the sweetener that I bought was in tablet form, I had to crush them to powder so that it would mix more easily with the yogurt.
Breakfast was yummy! It's like having froyo with oat, I like the texture and the taste. I'm so getting some pure cocoa to mix with it next time.
Lunch was just pan fried fish and hard boiled eggs.
My parents decided to eat out since my mum had spent the whole day taking care of her sister to had a minor stroke. Dad was driving in circles near my Aunt's housing area to find a suitable place to have dinner since mum says that I am on a special diet, so I said anything western will do. Then the parents decided to go to Midvalley Megamall for dinner since it was almost time to pick my sister from work, and her office was there. So my dinner was half a lemon & herb chicken at Nando's.
I figured if I post every single meal, it's going to look boring and repetitive since each meal look almost the same. So photos will start popping up when I cook something else that looks different compared to same old proteins.
Current weight : Unknown
Progress Photo?
Was challenged to post progress photos, didn't quite see a point for it since I've shrunk a little. But here it goes.
Had to switch my photo to b&w because the lighting in my room is horrible at the mirror area.
Had to switch my photo to b&w because the lighting in my room is horrible at the mirror area.
Week One
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Attack Phase : Day Three
Maybe this is a sign that I don't want to eat only just chicken, I asked mum to get my some fish. The fish turn out to be too thick a slice and took sooooo long to cook!
I wonder how long I can keep up with this waking up early and cooking my lunch routine, I have a feeling that one day I might just get too lazy to cook my lunch :(
Getting through day there was pretty tough because I am feeling the side effects of this diet, walking up the slope to my office and out of the train station, also up the stairs has never felt this challenging before. I felt like I was going to die after climbing those stairs, catching my breath was painful!
Current weight : Unknown
I wonder how long I can keep up with this waking up early and cooking my lunch routine, I have a feeling that one day I might just get too lazy to cook my lunch :(
Getting through day there was pretty tough because I am feeling the side effects of this diet, walking up the slope to my office and out of the train station, also up the stairs has never felt this challenging before. I felt like I was going to die after climbing those stairs, catching my breath was painful!
Chicken and Fish with Black Pepper
Rosemary Chicken
Current weight : Unknown
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Attack Phase : Day Two
Today I woke up slightly earlier. Did not burn my pancakes but they broke into little pieces that they looked like scrambled pancakes >.<
Also I found out the hard way that eating plain yogurt with no added sugar after brushing your teeth, it tastes so nasty it will make you feel like puking!
I wanted to add variety to my lunch, so mum let me take some of her prawns she defrost for lunch and I seasoned it with paprika. It was soooooo yummy!
Current weight : 63kg (I still don't trust my scale!)
Also I found out the hard way that eating plain yogurt with no added sugar after brushing your teeth, it tastes so nasty it will make you feel like puking!
I wanted to add variety to my lunch, so mum let me take some of her prawns she defrost for lunch and I seasoned it with paprika. It was soooooo yummy!
Paprika prawns, Black Pepper seasoned chicken. I love black pepper!
Paprika chicken
Current weight : 63kg (I still don't trust my scale!)
Monday, 18 March 2013
Attack Phase : Day One
Woke up at roughly 5.45am to cook my lunch and breakfast. Following a very simple recipe for Oat Bran pancakes, and following Gordon Ramsay's basic rule of seasoning "Salt and Pepper on the meat" to prepare my chicken.
Being as blur as a mole out in daylight, I dropped an egg and burned my pancakes...mum made me throw them away, so I only had plain yogurt for breakfast.....
One of my friends did ask how I made the pancakes. To make the Oat Bran pancakes, all you need is
1 egg
1 1/2 tablespoon of Oat Bran
1 1/2 tablespoon of plain yogurt
I bought a Tefal frying pan because it was on 50% sale, and not cooking very often (I'm a ramen pro only) ..... cooking the pancakes and chicken was a mini challenge. And embarrassing as it is, I didn't know how to make hard boiled eggs. My eggs turned out solid egg whites, and semi solid yolks. Not bad eh?
After successfully getting through day one of attack phase, I still feel pretty alright.
Current weight : 64kg (I don't trust my scale...)
Being as blur as a mole out in daylight, I dropped an egg and burned my pancakes...mum made me throw them away, so I only had plain yogurt for breakfast.....
One of my friends did ask how I made the pancakes. To make the Oat Bran pancakes, all you need is
1 egg
1 1/2 tablespoon of Oat Bran
1 1/2 tablespoon of plain yogurt
I bought a Tefal frying pan because it was on 50% sale, and not cooking very often (I'm a ramen pro only) ..... cooking the pancakes and chicken was a mini challenge. And embarrassing as it is, I didn't know how to make hard boiled eggs. My eggs turned out solid egg whites, and semi solid yolks. Not bad eh?
My burnt pancakes :(
Chicken seasoned with salt and pepper, hard boiled egg whites...I threw away the pancake.
2 different seasoning, Rosemary and Paprika
After successfully getting through day one of attack phase, I still feel pretty alright.
Current weight : 64kg (I don't trust my scale...)
Sunday, 17 March 2013
On The Hunt
On the hunt for stuff that I can eat on this diet! And so it begins, I got mum to help me buy enough chicken breasts that can last me for a whole week.
So Sunday morning is the very first time I learn to clean chicken, cutting away all the fat and stuff. Then in the afternoon it was hunting time, as in going to all the supermarkets in Midvalley Megamall to get ingredients and stuff that I am allowed to eat.
Usually I only buy ramen, instant coffee, cookies and snacks.....I am very unfamiliar with health food. And boy was it tiring walking in circles searching for Oat Bran, sweeteners, seasoning and stuff......
I still don't know where to find low fat cheese....
But at least I'm all set and ready to start this diet. One of the reasons I believe that I can do it is because I love meat! I can't seem to get bored of chicken so far. Apparently people who have the blood-type O positive are natural meat eaters. Yay!
So Sunday morning is the very first time I learn to clean chicken, cutting away all the fat and stuff. Then in the afternoon it was hunting time, as in going to all the supermarkets in Midvalley Megamall to get ingredients and stuff that I am allowed to eat.
Usually I only buy ramen, instant coffee, cookies and snacks.....I am very unfamiliar with health food. And boy was it tiring walking in circles searching for Oat Bran, sweeteners, seasoning and stuff......
I still don't know where to find low fat cheese....
But at least I'm all set and ready to start this diet. One of the reasons I believe that I can do it is because I love meat! I can't seem to get bored of chicken so far. Apparently people who have the blood-type O positive are natural meat eaters. Yay!
Paramore "Still Into You" Lyric Video and Official "Now" Video
Paramore is back, yes I will say it again! Oh joy! Less than 23 days left till "Paramore" is released! Excited and impatient!
After hearing Paramore perform their latest Single from their self-titled 4th album, I couldn't wipe the silly smile off my face. Cheesy as it may seem, it was like this pop rock love song was just perfect for the Ninja Fiance and I!!
The first verse goes, "Can't count the years on one hand that we've been together", we have been together for 6 years starting 2013. "I need to other one to hold you, make you feel, make you feel better", he always makes me feel better by just holding my hand. "I should be over all the butterflies, I'm into you." we are totally not over butterflies, because turns out we both have been keeping this secret from each other, we both like butterflies...hahaha!
To me personally, Paramore is and always be one of the bands I love and will support since the very first time I heard of them, even with all the drama that they have been through. "Still Into You" is such a happy feel good pop rock love song that I can listen to ALL DAY~!!
The very first time I heard "Now" was after I downloaded it when it was released on iTunes, and boy did I love it. It felt so powerful, with the upbeat drum beats and the power of Hayley's voice. But I got to admit that when I first watched the official music video I couldn't get used to Hayley's new look but loving the color of her hair as always.
The video starts in a battle field with everyone attacking each other, Jeremy and Taylor trying to keep Hayley safe, color bombs going off all of a sudden, it was total rainbow chaos! I was somehow totally pulled in by the video aside from the chaos and I got to say I DID NOT ANTICIPATED THE ENDING! I thought that there was going to be like an epic orange powder color bomb blowing off at the bad guy or something. But instead Hayley just launched herself at him with the biggest hug I have ever seen, and it actually made me cry!
Truly, the best make love not war, everyone just needs a hug video I have ever seen. Paramore you have done it again!
hayley williams,
still into you,
the return of paramore
Saturday, 16 March 2013
Getting Fit
Having always eating what I want when I want and stop being active ever since I finished highschool, my weight has obviously gone up and I'm been pretty much out of shape ever since. I don't really like to exercise or sweat or interested to sign up for gym, and reading lots of articles on how to loose weight by changing what you eat.
After seeing a dear friend, Nora successfully shedding the extra pounds by doing a diet called the Dukan Diet. I started doing research on it, and decided that it shouldn't be too hard. If Nora can do it, so can I. I've tried taking those fiber detox drinks and cutting down rice, but my love for ramen, noodles, pastas ain't helping. So I've been probably annoying Nora with so many questions I have!
In Dukan Diet, basically all you eat is protein, green vegs, low fat or non fat diary etc. And the diet is broken up into 4 phases to help you reach your true weight.
Phase 1 - ATTACKThe Attack phase consists of pure protein and creates a kick-start to the diet. During this phase, you can eat 68 high-protein foods that produce immediate and noticeable weight loss.
Phase 2 - CRUISE
The Cruise phase adds 32 vegetables and will take you to your True Weight. You will gradually but steadily lose weight by alternating Pure Protein days and Protein + Vegetables days. The average length of this phase is based on a schedule of 3 days for each pound you want to lose.
Phase 3 - CONSOLIDATIONDuring this time you are at your most vulnerable, as the body has a tendency to quickly regain lost pounds. The Consolidation Phase is designed to prevent the rebound effect by gradually returning previously forbidden foods and allowing for two "celebration" meals per week. This phase follows a strict timeline - 5 days per every pound lost in Cruise Phase.
Phase 4 - PERMANENT STABILIZATIONThis phase is the rest of your life! You have learned how to eat healthily in the previous phases and have developed a pattern to follow. In addition, to keep your new slim body, you must follow these three simple but non-negotiable rules:1. Consume 3 Tablespoons of oat bran per day.2. Choose to take the stairs whenever possible.3. Have a pure-protein Thursday.
Info taken from http://www.dukandiet.com/The-Dukan-Diet/4-Phases
Here are some of the websites that I've been doing my reading from
And also got my true weight calculated here
My weight has been up and down between 65kg - 68kg. But then I started cutting down on rice and snacking, and successfully drop to 64kg. Then I got really sick in February with pretty bad Larynx infection and could only have porridge and soup, my weight managed to stay between 63kg - 64kg.The result from getting my true weight calculated, I am ready to take the challenge!

And so begins my Dukan Diet journey! Starting from 64+kg. (Couldn't get an exact weight because my mechanical scale is...wacky)
After seeing a dear friend, Nora successfully shedding the extra pounds by doing a diet called the Dukan Diet. I started doing research on it, and decided that it shouldn't be too hard. If Nora can do it, so can I. I've tried taking those fiber detox drinks and cutting down rice, but my love for ramen, noodles, pastas ain't helping. So I've been probably annoying Nora with so many questions I have!
In Dukan Diet, basically all you eat is protein, green vegs, low fat or non fat diary etc. And the diet is broken up into 4 phases to help you reach your true weight.
Phase 1 - ATTACKThe Attack phase consists of pure protein and creates a kick-start to the diet. During this phase, you can eat 68 high-protein foods that produce immediate and noticeable weight loss.
Phase 2 - CRUISE
The Cruise phase adds 32 vegetables and will take you to your True Weight. You will gradually but steadily lose weight by alternating Pure Protein days and Protein + Vegetables days. The average length of this phase is based on a schedule of 3 days for each pound you want to lose.
Phase 3 - CONSOLIDATIONDuring this time you are at your most vulnerable, as the body has a tendency to quickly regain lost pounds. The Consolidation Phase is designed to prevent the rebound effect by gradually returning previously forbidden foods and allowing for two "celebration" meals per week. This phase follows a strict timeline - 5 days per every pound lost in Cruise Phase.
Phase 4 - PERMANENT STABILIZATIONThis phase is the rest of your life! You have learned how to eat healthily in the previous phases and have developed a pattern to follow. In addition, to keep your new slim body, you must follow these three simple but non-negotiable rules:1. Consume 3 Tablespoons of oat bran per day.2. Choose to take the stairs whenever possible.3. Have a pure-protein Thursday.
Info taken from http://www.dukandiet.com/The-Dukan-Diet/4-Phases
Here are some of the websites that I've been doing my reading from
And also got my true weight calculated here
My weight has been up and down between 65kg - 68kg. But then I started cutting down on rice and snacking, and successfully drop to 64kg. Then I got really sick in February with pretty bad Larynx infection and could only have porridge and soup, my weight managed to stay between 63kg - 64kg.The result from getting my true weight calculated, I am ready to take the challenge!

And so begins my Dukan Diet journey! Starting from 64+kg. (Couldn't get an exact weight because my mechanical scale is...wacky)
Saturday, 2 March 2013
Oh My It's March Already?
February has just gone by faster than expected! March has already begun and yet I have not recovered completely from my nasty flu and inflamed Larynx! So much planning to do, so many decisions to make! ONLY 6 MONTHS LEFT!?!?!
*Freaking out*
*Freaking out*
Monday, 25 February 2013
Silent Treatment?
It is almost a trend that a lot of people catch the nasty flu bug during before, during, or after Chinese New Year. And once again I caught a really bad flu towards the end of Chinese New Year, with stuffy nose and swollen throat I tried to self medicate with pharmacy meds and honey green tea.
But none of the methods seemed to work, the flu started on Thursday night I thought I'd just suck it up and get by the weekend. Having a whole list of stuff to do this weekend like furniture shopping, bridal party gathering and a birthday dinner to attend. And I survived! With almost loosing my voice by the end of Sunday night, which is an obvious sign that my larynx is inflamed again.
So Monday...it's time to get treated with real meds now, so I dragged my lazy butt to the clinic to get consultation. As I suspected, Doc says that my larynx is inflamed and very swollen! He also told me that I'm not allowed to speak for 24 hours and he gave me 2 days medical leave. So the silent treatment begins......
So grateful for smart phones, been communicating with my sis via whatsapp all day even when we are sitting in the same room! Hahaha!
But none of the methods seemed to work, the flu started on Thursday night I thought I'd just suck it up and get by the weekend. Having a whole list of stuff to do this weekend like furniture shopping, bridal party gathering and a birthday dinner to attend. And I survived! With almost loosing my voice by the end of Sunday night, which is an obvious sign that my larynx is inflamed again.
So Monday...it's time to get treated with real meds now, so I dragged my lazy butt to the clinic to get consultation. As I suspected, Doc says that my larynx is inflamed and very swollen! He also told me that I'm not allowed to speak for 24 hours and he gave me 2 days medical leave. So the silent treatment begins......
So grateful for smart phones, been communicating with my sis via whatsapp all day even when we are sitting in the same room! Hahaha!
Friday, 22 February 2013
[Must Watch] To This Day Project - Shane Koyczan
This morning my sis Jenn sent me this video. I had the hardest time trying to hold back my tears as I watch the video, on how being called names really hurts. The message in this video really pierce me straight through the heart, I could feel it bleeding out to the pain many children and even adults have to go through on a daily basis.
These are just my personal thoughts from watching video repeatedly.
I believe that every individual are guilty at some point for calling people mean names, and that every individual falls victim to name calling as well at some point in their life. I have personally seen with my own eyes how someone close to me was falling apart in front of me from the mean words that have been said. Those mean words were said a long time ago, and being called that way actually made the person believe that the words were true. I know I am guilty to for having called others names in the past, but I told myself that it's not right, just because I think about it doesn't mean I should say it. It's still an occasional struggle.
Growing up as a loner back in my school years, I had my fair share of name calling which weren't too serious. Maybe it's because of my temper, that caused me to go head on with the person that called me a mean name. Or maybe it's because I was so used to being a loner that I knew how to block people out. But after going through college, then it was the beginning of working life and meeting of new people. I got to meet many different types of people, and learn how to adapt in many different situations. I guess I can say I turn out alright.
But I dare not imagine or dare to try to understand the pain of others that had to grow up with all the constant bullying and name calling. I personally know some of people who had to grow up this way, and I know I will never be able to understand how they feel or felt. But I know that everything is better now, because they survived, because they fought back, and they moved on.
I agree with the author of this poem, "They were wrong!" They have to be wrong. We are better than we think we are. It doesn't matter what others think of us. All we need to do it believe in ourselves, believe in our own inner beauty. I believe that as long as we believe in ourselves, and in the God created beauty in us, we will shine bright! I know words are easier said that brought to action, but we should never stop trying, never stop fighting and never stop believing. We are all freaks in our own way, and we have each other.
Here is the link about the To This Day Project
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Everyday Is A Paramore Day
Just as I have mentioned is the previous post, here are the videos that I took with my iphone 4s. The quality is not that great, but I had to capture some of the memories, I could have taken more photos and videos but I was too preoccupied and too focused on having a great time.
I did not record the whole song by MeWithoutYou because I was concern that I may not have enough battery to last through Paramore later on. I'm not familiar with the band MeWithoutYou, so I don't know any of their song titles, but they are really good!
Wish I recorded more videos, it was a beautiful night!
Found a photo of my sis, Jenn and I on Rockaway Festival Facebook Page :D
It still feels like it was just yesterday, the memories with Paramore are still so fresh! I have to keep reminding myself that it was not a dream, but a dream come true, all the thanks goes to God and PFC for making it possible!
I did not record the whole song by MeWithoutYou because I was concern that I may not have enough battery to last through Paramore later on. I'm not familiar with the band MeWithoutYou, so I don't know any of their song titles, but they are really good!
Hayley surprises us and sings with MeWithoutYou
Paramore performing Renegade
Wish I recorded more videos, it was a beautiful night!
Found a photo of my sis, Jenn and I on Rockaway Festival Facebook Page :D
It still feels like it was just yesterday, the memories with Paramore are still so fresh! I have to keep reminding myself that it was not a dream, but a dream come true, all the thanks goes to God and PFC for making it possible!
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
The Return of Paramore 17th Feb 2013
Paramore has returned to perform in KL! Organized by Livescape and TuneTalk. Definitely not a band to be missed! Initially I was sort of undecided on whether I should go for the concert since I've been to 2 Paramore concert in Singapore back in March 2010, and then when they came to KL in October 2010. And since I'm getting married this year, I didn't want to splurge too much on concerts.
My sis, Jenn, being the huge Paramore fan she is, bought her ticket almost immediately and was planning to go on her own which got me worried. Then she offered to pay half for my ticket cause she knows that I'm trying to be careful with my spendings this year. So we are all set and waiting for the awesome day to arrive!
Before the concert
On 10th February 2013, I received an email that caused to immediately to jump up from my seat in shock! I got an invitation from Paramore Fan Club(PFC) for an opportunity to a meet and greet with Paramore! No frigging way! I thought I was dreaming, I immediately took a screenshot before reading the whole email.
My sis, Jenn, being the huge Paramore fan she is, bought her ticket almost immediately and was planning to go on her own which got me worried. Then she offered to pay half for my ticket cause she knows that I'm trying to be careful with my spendings this year. So we are all set and waiting for the awesome day to arrive!
Before the concert
On 10th February 2013, I received an email that caused to immediately to jump up from my seat in shock! I got an invitation from Paramore Fan Club(PFC) for an opportunity to a meet and greet with Paramore! No frigging way! I thought I was dreaming, I immediately took a screenshot before reading the whole email.
Monday, 11 February 2013
The Advantages Of A Hobby.
Especially a hobby that can be done as long there is a comfortable seat and good lighting.
On the days in Singapore where I did not go house visiting with my family, I spent them practicing my amigurumi skills :)
I manage to finish a body for my little bear and started work on making him more friends.
On the days in Singapore where I did not go house visiting with my family, I spent them practicing my amigurumi skills :)
I manage to finish a body for my little bear and started work on making him more friends.
Thursday, 31 January 2013
And So The Planning Begins
Now that it is the end of January, it's about time to speed up the planning for our wedding. I still can't believe that I'm really going to get married this year! :)
A lot of some of the major parts have been sorted out so far, the venues booked, videographer booked, draft guest list prepared. Ninja Ryan has recruited his band of best-man and grooms-men, I have recruited my lovely team of MOH and bridesmaids, also the fabulous emcee.
At first we had to go through a little bit of disagreements and headaches, I mean who does when it comes to planning a major event, especially a wedding. Ninja Ryan always wanted a western garden wedding, couldn't deny that I too would love to have something outdoors. But knowing Malaysian weather and our date is around the monsoon season. However we did find a venue that he immediately fell in love with and I find is workable to accomplish close to how our dream wedding may look. The major headache was, that venue could not fit ALL OUT GUESTS!
I believe that God stepped in and planted the idea of splitting the wedding into 2 days. At first I was concern that this is going to cost most money, but Ninja Ryan assured me that it would be fine. So we sorted out which 2 dates to pick and the 2 venues to have it. A semi outdoor to create the outdoor wedding we dreamt of, and a Chinese dinner for the relatives!
And since the both of us never really thought about a theme to stick with, we decided to pick the colours that we both like. But we still have to search for a direction to head to without having the decorations and knick-knacks clashing with each other. Plus we are kind of lovers of DIY items, and my Bridal Party are the best in this field!
Then comes the part I fear the most, picking of the Bridal Gown! *whimpers*
The only time I actually wear dresses is for special occasion and dinners, so I obviously panic about this. I am not a very fun shopper to hang out with, I don't go digging for bargains and trying out every new trends. I opt to stick to my love of jeans, tshirts and converse. I don't even have the dream figure to fit into the type of dress I like. I blame it on my greedy habit when it comes to food. All my life I have a tendency to over-eat, and binge on favourite foods, imagining that I can't gain weight. And boy was I wrong........
Being born big boned with a big body structure, I believe it's not an excuse to not try to loose all these fat that I've gained since my college years. All that love for pasta, ramen, sushi has got to stop! I can't emphasize how much I love ramen and instant noodles! I love them so much I think I may kill myself just by eating too much of it. This month is the last month that I will have my weekly ramen and opt for more healthy weekend breakfast.
After my 1st round of Bridal Gown hunting, I have come to terms with myself..."Joanna, you need to loose weight! You only have 3 months to do it!" And having heard of so many types of diets out there, I think I have found the one that I am eager to hop into as I have seen the results with my own eyes. So I spent all morning reading up on it before writing this blog post, and I am getting all my reference from here and here
And I got my weight calculated here Soon I may need to consult the sifu Nora for guidance .....
I am loving this gown design for now, I might change my mind again.
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