
Monday, 29 April 2013

New Love For ... Fish?

Normally I would opt out of having to purposely choose to eat fish from the menu, or beg my mum to allow me to skip the fish dish, because I really don't enjoy the fishy smell and taste (but I love having asam laksa). But recently mum has been buying salmon steaks for me because she doesn't want me eat chicken every day for every meal.

For my first attempt to pan fry a salmon steak, I thought it would be just the same as me cooking my daily chicken or fish fillet, so i decided to use a small pan. And boy was that a bad idea! I forgot that salmon has natural fat, and they will all ooze out when cooked. Oil was splattering and jumping everywhere!!! I couldn't even bring myself to go near the pan to flip the salmon! Mum had to come to the rescue. But the result, oh so delicious!

This morning was my second attempt to pan fry salmon, I picked the bigger pan, thinking it will be safer. I was wrong, again....splattering begins! But the oil didn't jump up as high as it did from the small pan, I managed to flip the salmon myself without getting burnt, and because the pan is big, I could tilt it to let the oil flow away from the salmon. Next time I'm using a cover....
Decided to experiment and made myself a tomato with tuna and shirataki noodle soup for dinner last Thursday night. Somehow it turn out looking like asam laksa! Mum told me to help eat finish some broccoli and mushrooms, also the little plate of fresh chilies that she didn't want to keep. Hence the attempt to decorate my meal. Those tiny red/orange chilies are one of my favorite, but are also my enemy, they really burn your lips and tongue!

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