
Thursday, 10 March 2016

Let's Play With Food.

Kyra turned 6 months old this week, which means time for solids or semi solids. Family and friends are so excited wondering when am I going to start giving Kyra porridge and puree (the excitement already started when she was only 2 months old). I was a nervous wreck because I don't know how to cook porridge nor am I keen to make puree. Still, I begun searching around the web and asking my mum what she used to feed us and so on.

One fine lovely day, I saw on Facebook that a dear friend of my bestie was giving her 6 months old her first solid food. A slice of sweet potato. Which got me wondering, aren't babies suppose to eat puree or porridge first? She created a lovely gallery of photos and recipes, which got me more and more curious. BLW. What's BLW????? and the googling frenzy started. I needed to know more!!

So.......... Baby-led weaning (BLW) ........ forgetting purees and weaning spoons, and simply letting your baby feed herself. Alright, I needed to educate myself more on this, time to read up! Time was running out and I have yet to finish reading the BLW book I purchased. I don't feel prepared, what do I do????

Well I discussed with the hubs on this and he was all in for trying to method, letting Kyra play and learn to feed herself. It would make meal time more fun and she would feel part of the family and be more social. Kyra still couldn't sit up very well at 6 months of age, she still needed support, so the hubs said that I should go with my gut feeling.

So today is the first day I let her try some steamed sweet potato. (I picked the tiniest sweet potato I could find in the bunch). Her hand and eye coordination was not bad! she immediately picked up the sweet potato and started sucking and munching on it, clearing enjoying himself.

What's this? It's tasty!

Let me crush you up a little more. Nyumm....

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

The First of Everything

Surely every new parent or parents cheer in delight and excitement each time their baby does a first. Documenting everything with photos and videos and sharing them on social media and creating scrapbooks.

Kyra celebrated her first Chinese New Year at her grandparents (Mama's parents) hometown up north (Kedah), she had her first Valentine's Day lunch date with mummy and daddy. 

It's already mid February and baby Kyra is now 5 months and 2 weeks old. In another few winks, Kyra will be 6 months and gets to start on solids. Boy am I nervous!!! Feeling a bit overwhelmed on should I give only purée? How do I make purée? Omg I need to get a blender. Should I get a whole set of cookware just for only her food? Do I give porridge? Omg I don't know how to cook porridge!!! How long do I steam carrots till they are soft enough for her? ............... *deep breaths* 

I choose to worry about all that maybe tomorrow or next week and enjoy today.

Today, 17th February 2016;

At 10:30am - Kyra played with her toys in her playpen quietly till she was hungry and asked for milk.
At 11am - Kyra patiently drank all her milk and sat quietly on my lap and burped.
At 11:15am - Kyra went back to quietly play with her toys in her playpen. 
at 12:05pm - Kyra fell asleep on her own at nap time!!

Now mama gets to take a shower and get some stuff done! Weeeeeeee