
Monday, 21 May 2012

Needle Felting : Little Bear

So....what is Needle Felting? Needle felting is a process which uses barbed needles to interlock wool fibers to form a more condensed material ..... blah blah ... basically stabbing wool with a special needle ... that's some of the info I found on Google. So basically what got me to Google about Needle Felting was these cute little bugger~

What a cutie
Love & a Sandwich is one of the inspiring artists that I follow online, and also the reason why I started trying my hand on making my own dolls. So I was browsing Facebook in the morning, a daily routine, when i stumble upon an update from L&AS with a photo of this curious little thing she's working on.

A cute monster forming!

Thursday, 17 May 2012

The list just keeps on growing.

I am a believer of the fact that you are never too late to learn new things as long as its free~

I have spent the most of my 2011 picking up and researching on crafts and the obsession is still there, I did not quit halfway and will never quit until the world or my life ends!

So now I've decided to pick up one more new thing to learn, a language. How hard can it be as long as I am motivated, right? So as we can see quite obviously that the Korean culture is spreading like a rapid virus. Everything is turning Korean, from music to fashion. My parents are so into Korean dramas that they spend most of their waking hours watching KBS which I too have fallen for.

So I bet it is quite clear that I want to learn Korean. One of my main reasons is so that I don't have to rely so much on subtitles and I think it would be fun. So am I going to sign up for classes? I don't think so. I am fortunate enough to have befriended one of the nicest guy I have known that can be a little bit full of himself sometimes, no hard feelings Jin! Jin is from Seoul, and he's going to teach me Korean~

Though I can't rely completely on him to teach me a language, I have to do my own research. Google is my best friend~ I manage to find a Youtube channel that teaches Korean step by step! Oh Joy! And also some other websites with very straight forward explanations!

So for my first test, I shall introduce myself in goes~

안녕하세요. 조앤아에요. 반가워요.
Annyounghasayo. Joaena-eyo. Bangawoyo.
Hi. I'm Joanna. Nice to meet you.

Now I'm feeling a bit stressed just trying to remember the strokes ㅠ_ㅠ but I will succeed! I hope?

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Paint By Numbers

The title says it all, paint by numbers~

I bought a set of paint by numbers together with my friend Hai Yen, to get my picasso on! Ever since my new hobby which consists of a mix of DIY crafts, how could I resist?
Setting up painting station

Saturday, 5 May 2012

ADAM DREAM : Numbers Nightmare

I'm always a sucker for downloading all sorts of iPhone games with cute artwork. Adam Dream is no exception. Adam Dream is a side scrolling game math game that is based on the story of Adam, a 9-year old kid who found himself lost in a strange world after taking a nap in class.

So math.....not my cup of tea, but the cute graphics wins this time! The game is pretty simple, solve the math question by picking the correct answer to zap the monsters. I would say personally the game is quite fun, kinda helps me brush up on my math. The game is also great for kids to practice math or for anyone who just enjoys adding numbers.

Click for more info about Adam Dream : Numbers Nightmare